The Guy She Told You Not to Worry About

5 min readSep 12, 2022


From pexel

I came to WhatsApp, and on your status, you were reviewing the Game of Thrones, the book, not the series.

We had known each other for a while. We met at the shop down the street where I had gone to buy coke. I remember wanting to buy one coke, but almost buying the whole shop because you were there. Yes, I was trying to impress you. Did you notice?

It had been how long since then, six months? I remember how I tried to collect your number. I told you there was no network, and I had to call my dad. You knew; you knew what I was trying to do. You saw right through me and just gave me your number. I remember feeling so stupid.

A couple months later, there I was staring at your status as you said your favorite character was Tyrion. You said, although he wasn’t so appealing to the eyes, his intellect turned you on. So I sent a risky text.

Heyyy, Lisa. I experience bouts of ample affection for Tyrion too. His propensity to divulge such archaic wisdom even at the sight of trepidation is astonishing. One might say he is IMPervious.

You laughed. I loved that you got the joke. We called every day after then. The text was the opening passage to our relationship, and now, I call you my girlfriend.

But last week, I saw you with Ade again. And like you would say, “I have known him since I was a kid; he is my best friend. Stop joor, I don’t see him that way.” But he saw you that way. He did. I could see his eyes when I dropped you at his place. His eyes. Like he was eyeing something… like he was eyeing someone.

Best friend POV

I have known Lisa for ages. Her beauty. Her lips. She was smart. We met by the gift shop. She had come to buy a book — the first of the Witcher series. I told her I had read it, and we clicked that even the key to the right keyhole would be envious. I told her I was a writer too. I wrote her a poem then and there. It ended like this…

Though my heart was accustomed to the rhythmic beats of
Dum, dum, dum
It now beats for You, you, you


She said it was corny. “How does a heart beat you, you, you?” But I lied, my heart skips two beats when I see her, then races all the way. But she didn’t see my signs, and if I had been a signboard, I would have "I love Lisa" all over it. Even my friends knew. Yet, we were just friends, and I made it seem that way.

After several months of going to her hostel and having deep conversations...She still didn’t notice. Instead, she thought Dammy was funny, the medical student that rides a car. And in a month, there were the "couple." The name people called us before when we walked hand in hand out of the lecture theatre. "You guys would make a cute couple," Our mates would say. But you would laugh and say we were just friends; how it stung!

Boyfriend POV

I came to pick you up from class that day. You were in the middle of a laughing session with Ade. Pfft, I don't get it. Why? Why the fuk is he holding you like that? I confronted you, but you waved it off.

You said he said you were Cersei but with much more evil. You said you did a face, and he laughed, so you had to join him. I thought about why that was so funny, but I didn’t say.

At dinner, you talked non-stop about Ade.

“Ade writes poems yunno. He wrote one for me today. Something about my brown eyes...”

I nodded and smiled a little. Is Ade that nice a topic at dinner time, I thought

When I leaned to kiss you, I would think if Ade had also done so, but I wouldn't ask. I knew what you would say.

I had been a best friend to a girl with a boyfriend once. Trust me when I say my fear is well founded. I had unhooked her bra more than her boyfriend had, but I was her best friend, right? It is excusable, right?

Is this Karma? Sighs

Best Friend POV

I have had enough. Today was our departmental dinner. Lisa told me her boyfriend couldn’t make it, so she might take a rain check. But at the spur of the moment, I suggested that she didn’t. I would take her. She agreed. Wear your best dress.

She did

She wore a red velvet dress with her back exposed and no straps. Fuk! I had seen beauty, what is this??? I rushed to get her hands. Scared that If I stalled too long, someone else would slide in.

The night was beautiful just like she was. It was really fun. We danced all night, but now it was time to go home. I decided to walk her home. The walk was short with all the laughs and taunts. She would laugh and hit me on the arm. Then I remembered why I liked her, it was her smile and those brown eyes.

Those brown eyes

When we got to her hostel, I stopped by her door.

“Hey, Liz. Did I ever tell you you have beautiful brown eyes?”

“Duh, Ade, you wrote a whole ass poem about it…” She laughed.

“And your smile…Liz, you are beautiful”

She stopped laughing, and there was an awkward silence. We looked into each other’s eyes. And my eyes definitely said all I have been wanting to say, and this time I am sure she heard.

Boyfriend POV

I had been delayed a bit at the seminar so I couldn't get to the party. You had said you had gone but didn't say with who. I had my bet on Ade, but it was bad enough that I couldn't make it, so I kept quiet.

I bought a bouquet, Skittles, and soap for a foamy bath, like old times. Your door was already open, and there were two shoes at the door. The other one better be your dad’s, I thought. But as I entered the fairly lit room, I heard your moans. Monotonous—I couldn’t miss them. Usually, it was my back your fingers dug into when you moaned. Usually, the name that followed was mine, but that night the name that followed was Ade. The boy that was just your friend. The guy I shouldn’t worry about. The guy’s name you now moaned loudly.

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